
This site supports Podcasting 2.0 GUID lookups and reverse lookups.

Data is derived from the Podcast Index database.

URL Lookup

To look up a podcast RSS feed URL from its Podcasting 2.0 GUID, use the following URL format:


The alphanumeric characters in the GUID should be lowercased when constructing the URL.

GUID Lookup

To look up a podcast GUID from its RSS feed URL, use the following URL format:

https://lookup.wherever.audio/guid-for-feed-url/<Encoded URL>

The encoded URL is produced as follows:

Last Update Time

We track weekly exports from the Podcast Index database, so should be at most 7 days out of date.

Check the modificationTime key in https://lookup.wherever.audio/pidb for freshness. We update this file with each import from Podcast Index.